Tuesday, January 26, 2010


There are 2 major things on my mind this week.

FIRST - the arrogance of the left.

For openers we have Senator Barbara Boxer, she had no idea that military personnel are instructed to address woman as mame. She insisted on being called Senator by an army general. The General has invested his entire life protecting her right to be a Senator, what has she done?

Senator Boxer also insulted the President of the US Black Chamber of Commerce by making racial innuendos about his position on the economy.

And finally, in a diatribe on the Senate floor she compared a woman's right to choose to men using Viagra. Perhaps the Senator needs a class in sex education. Personally if I were forced to have an encounter with this Senator there would not be enough Viagara in the world that would help.

We have Senator Arlen Spector, a man who I have had a great deal of respect for. His outrageous outburst towards a female congressman from Minnesota was at best disgraceful. Senator Spector, it's time to hang it up and retire.

Finally, we have President Obama, there are far too many incidents to list. Suffice to say, his recent statement in reference to the possibility of the 2010 elections mirroring the 1994 election. "This time you have me in office", was despicable. Hey Bill how is this "Change you can count on" working out for you and Hillary?"

When will these arrogant servants of the people learn, they are not royalty, they are merely human.

TERRORISM - As we all know, the objective of terrorism is to intimidate the target into changing their lives. To live with suspicion and in fear. They have succeeded, and we are helping them.
We have all experienced the inconvenience and often humility of going through security at an airport. I feel badly for the TSA officer who chooses to go through my luggage, it may not be pretty and may well be aromatic. I recently waited in line for 45 minutes at LAX (outside the terminal) to be processed. There were numerous charities, and homeless asking for donations. I considered opening a concession selling drinks and providing a bathroom. Not a bad business opportunity!
How often do you find yourself looking at the people waiting to board your plane or train? Are they Americans? Are they dressed in loose fitting clothes? Are they wearing strange head covering? Are the donning Tefilin (Jewish prayer implements)? After you board are you cognisant of passengers who spend too much time in the bathroom? Flights are for reading or sleeping, not for playing "24".
I'm also sick and tired of being patted down (it really depends on who is doing the patting) as I enter a stadium, theatre, museum or national monument. How often do you find yourself caught in traffic in a tunnel and wonder, is this it?
I could go on and on, the bottom line is, they are winning. They have changed our lives, and we are letting them.
We have become the suspects while their rights are being protected. November is 10 months away, we will have our chance to begin making REAL CHANGE.

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