Friday, January 8, 2010


Life is sexually transmitted.
WhY does a round pizza come in a square box?
What disease did a cured ham suffer from?
If you tell the truth, you have nothing to remember!
Never miss a good chance to be quiet.
How come we never hear Father in law jokes?
We all recall the tumult when a group of minority day campers were told that they could no longer use the pool at a swim club located In a Philadelphia suburb. It was unfair and the club has paid a high price for their actions. The story made national news for weeks.
Recently in another Philadelphia suburb anti Semitic slurs and references to the Holocaust were "cheered" by students from Upper Darby High School (predominantly minority) at students from Lower Merion High School (high percentage of Jewish students) during a basketball game. How come there was no coverage of this disgraceful action? Neither the local or national medias mentioned it!
Yet another example of the politically correct "do as I say not as I do" attitude in our world. Where were the Anti Defamation League, the ACLU, the PA. State Athletic Commission? Probably out helping Al Sharpton and Charlie Rangle pick out a new $5G suit!
As you know, I am fair and honest in my writings and opinions. Therefore I must point out the three new expressions that were orated by president Obama this week.
The President actually said that there were terrorists trying to disrupt our lives.
He said that we were at WAR with Al Quida. OK he covered himself by saying that we are not mad at Islam.
And finally he said " I take responsibility for the security lapse". This is the first time that I have ever heard the President take responsibility for ANYTHING. What happened to his inheritance of all the problems? What happened to the bad George W. Bush, have his horns fallen off?
We all know, talk is cheap. there is no reason to believe that the change in vocabulary means that there is a change in ideals or direction. The President is yet to prove that he is a leader, that he has the back bone to do what needs to be done or that he really takes the security of this nation seriously. Time will tell.
A number of high profile Democrats threw in their towels (dirty in most cases) this week, why you ask? As we have seen in the past, if they know that they cannot win they change the rules or the people. It was obvious that the Dem's. who stepped away were destined for defeat. Rather than stand their ground and let the electorate make the decision, they ran like mice.
Hopefully the electorate has learned that we must elect people who work for us, not for party hacks.
Enjoy the cold ans snow! and GO EAGLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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