Monday, January 18, 2010


Trying to rate the performance of The President of the United States after 100 days or 6 months makes little if any sense. President Obama will be celebrating his first anniversary as the Leader of the Free World on January 20 th. It's time for a report card:


Rather than providing a laundry list (much of which would be dirty) of names suffice to say the selection and vetting process was poor at best. This administration has specialized in putting round pegs in square holes.

Starting with the Treasury Secretary and going right thru the CIA, Homeland Security, and yes even the Secretary of State. For good measure, the Vice President should also be included in this list.

Many of us feared Mr. Obama's inexperience would be a detriment. This has proven to be true.
The only reason that the grade was as high as D is due to the number of Czars that have been appointed. Czars do not report to the congress, this is a good thing even though his choices may prove to be poor.


Simply put, leaders DO NOT pass the buck, the consistent use of the phrase "I inherited this mess" tells the story. All presidents are aware of what they are getting into well before they are elected. If a person doesn't like what they are getting into, they should not get into it!

Leaders seldom use the words mine or I when referring to their "team". This president seldom if ever says "we". Obviously the phrase "lead through example" is not in President Obama's vocabulary, unless the word "bad" is inserted between through and example.

A true leader works to bring all sides together. They do not have closed door meetings attended by only those who agree with them. They listen to all sides of issues, not just the side that they already agree with.

Finally, a leader NEVER criticizes law enforcement personnel, particularly when they do not have the facts. We all remember the Cambridge, Mass. incident.


Taking from and criticizing those who have been successful, those who have invested in this nation, those who have created what we have today, those who have built this nation and those who WORK. Giving to those who are on the lower end of the scale does not solve the problem. That is what is called "redistribution of wealth".

I realize that a "Community Organizer" has never had to manage a budget or define problem from symptom. That is why he should have surrounded himself with seasoned experts. His inheritance is nothing compared to what he will leave to his successor.


President Obama, has taken us back to Jimmy Carter's approach and policies. It is always better to try and solve problems with diplomacy, rather than war. However, if deadlines are set and not met, extending the deadline or ignoring the mandate is not the answer.

Traveling the world and telling those who hate us that we have been wrong does nothing more than strengthen their belief that we are soft. Why are we apologizing to people who openly do not like us, yet have no qualms about talking our money, food, technology, and military power. It makes no sense!

Continuing to "push off" the immigration problem further indicates to the world that we have no direction and will soon be ripe for the picking. Perhaps he should spend more time and effort on foreign policy than on appeasing the unions, particularly SEIU.

I earlier criticized the presidents selection for Secretary of State. Although I believe that Ms. Clinton is better suited for a different cabinet positions, she is smart and should have input in policy. Her input has to be better than what we presently have.


Why so high a grade you ask? We are allowing murdering terrorists to have their "day in court" in our back yard, we have been soft in our rhetoric towards those who want to kill us, we have allowed people who intimidated voters (in Philadelphia) to "walk", and on and on?

I give the President a few points for his actions against Somali pirates as well as the drones which are bombing Pakistan.

His reluctance to take action against the people in his administrations who dropped the ball during the Christmas Day attempt to blow up a plane over Detroit further indicates his weakness in this critical area.


The president gets high marks as a speaker who can convince people that the sun is shining at mid night in Washington. His speech writers know the target market very well and play to their weakness. In essence he tells his base what they want to hear, whether it is true or not!

Press conferences are a different issue. Without a teleprompter he is lost. Take note, since the statement about the Cambridge, Mass. police there has not been a press conference. I wonder why?


Many of us have developed a l'ais a faire attitude towards expecting the truth from politicians. This politician has gone beyond the limit (if there is one).

We have learned to expect campaign promises to be broken or changed, dual standards to be used and changes in direction. Frankly, it is difficult to find accuracy in anything that comes from this administration. Moving targets are the norm not the exception.

If a member of the presidents party steps out of the politically correct bubble it is acceptable. If a member of the other party tells the truth they are chastised.

Do as I say not as I do, is this presidents mantra.

FINAL GRADE - E+ and this is generous. we have just three more years to endure this debacle.

Your comments are appreciated.

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