NPR - National Public Radio and PBS - Public Broadcasting System
These two organizations are siblings conceived through incest! They were brought into this world with the best of intentions. Bring to the public educational and informative programming without commercials. Who needs commercials when the PUBLIC pays the bills?
I have a difficult time watching PBS with the exception of NOVA and some of the British comedy series. As for NPR, I would rather sleep with Janet Reno, Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer and Ruth Bader Ginsburg together than listen to NPR.
The straw that broke the horses back (you can't say camels any more) occured last week when a friend forwarded an e-mail with a link to an NPR survey asking if Fox News was a real news organization. HELP FOX NEWS - VOTE! 80% of the voters on NPR voted no to Fox news - that's a shock?
I laud the loyalty to Fox news, their ratings often eclipse CBS and NBC not to mention their cable outlets. But support of Fox News is not the question. We, the American tax payer pay a substantial part of the public outlets bills, including their TALENT. Why then are they not fair balanced and above all honest? The answer is simple, as with other government entities, they are run by left wing Wienies!
What are our options you ask? First write to you legislators and TELL then to cut funding or change top management. Little hope of that happening you say, right, next boycott any company who proudly sponsors any show on either NPR or PBS. Even this administration would be hard pressed to dramatically increase their budgets.
Essentially - THROW THE BUMS OUT - The head of Philadelphia's Public TV station is paid over $1,000,000 annually. We deserve at least dinner and a bottle of wine before we again have painful love made to us!
We are aware of "Acorns" exploits. To be fair they have done a great deal of good in many areas, whether enough to over come the fraud, tax evasion and voter cheats we will never know. I am not here to review Acorn, (or whatever their new name is).
We recently had dinner with a friend and his wife, they are intelligent, wordily and slightly to the left. When the name Acorn was brought up, they had absolutely no idea what we were talking about. "Acorn, isn't that what squirrels eat"? To add insult to injury, Charley Gibson the former ABC News Anchor pleaded ignorance of Acorn in a radio interview. Charley is no longer an ABC news Anchor.
As with NPR and PBS much of Acorn's support comes from our pockets, yet they are a hidden operation. WHEN WILL WE WAKE UP?