Tuesday, August 25, 2009

To gove or not to give, that is the question

I recently had need to get blood drawn for a few tests. Although I have gone through this procedure numerous times I never knew that the person drawing the blood was called a Phlabotomist.
I would have thought that they could find a better title for this profession, perhaps Igorarator, Fangmeister, Stickeroo, Draculamaniac or the ever popular Veinfinder. All of these names seem far more appropriate than Phlabotomist.
What was even more disturbing was the sign listing do's and dont's that was facing me as I waited to get punctured. Just a few tid bits that made me more than quizy!
BE CAREFUL - Why should the Phlabotomist have to have a sign reminding her/him to be careful? Do they stab themselves? Do they use the needles more than once?
TALK TO THE PATIENT - Why, I'm there to get my blood taken not to hear about what they did last night!
WEAR PROTECTIVE GEAR - Have you ever seen a "blood taker" with a helmet, goggles, or boots? I think not!
ASK FOR HELP - They are kidding, right? First why should they need help? If they need help, who do they call, another Phlabotomist who may also need help?
As if this was not enough, the Phlabotomist who was preparing to take my blood, had a problem finding the right test on the computer. She asked me for help! I guess that ask for help and talk to the patient are synonymous.
The next time that you have to get a blood test, you might consider having the Phlabotomist take a written exam first.
There is no secret that I am less than enamored with the present administration in Washington, but you would think that a freshman Congressman would have a bit more sense.
Freshman Congressman John Adler, representing New jersey's 6 th District which encompasses a number of heavily Jewish communities, had his staff send a "robo call" to all registered Democrats on a Saturday morning. The call invited all residents to a "Town Hall" meeting in one hour.
Not only was no real notice provided, but a large number of residents were observing their Sabbath, did not receive the call and could not have attended in any case.
Congressman Adler, has voted the straight Pelosi line, with no regard for his constituents and now slapped them in the face by limiting his "open" meeting to his own party and then only those who were Christian.
Hopefully, Congressman Adler's sophomore term will never materialize.
See you all on Friday!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Hillary and Michael


IT IS POSSIBLE TO LEAD A COW UP STAIRS, BUT NOT DOWNSTAIRS. I'm sure that you will all sleep better tonight!!!!

Secretary of State Hilliary Clinton really "lost it" last week when a translator used her husbands name rather than President Obama's when asking a question.
The Secretaries outburst was appropriate, she is The secretary of State and not her husband. She should not be seeking council from him or any other "outsider". The real question is, how often do translators make mistakes?
In today's world, the slightest "slip of the tongue" could have disastrous consequences. Obviously, more attention has to be paid to the selection, training and overseeing of all translators.
Secretary Clinton, looking haggard, tired and about ready to pass out, found the strength to respond to a comment that was tasteless (if it were true). Had the statement been translated properly (asking if President Obama was in agreement) Secretary Clinton would not have been able to answer. I doubt that The Secretary and The President have shared two words in weeks.
I heard the news that Michael Vick had signed a contract with the Philadelphia Eagles at half time of their exhibition game on Thursday night. It had been a long and strength sapping day, this was news that I did not need to hear.
Although pets are not a part of my life, I wish them no harm and feel that Vick's actions were at best deplorable. Yes he served his time, was the 2 year sentence really enough for the crimes committed? That is not my call, the judge did what he felt was right!
Yes, people who have served their time do deserve another chance, a chance to EARN the respect of society, to PROVE that he is remorseful, to HELP those going down the wrong path to find a NEW WAY and to ply his trade and make a living. But not on my beloved EAGLES or in my beloved home town.
I have been an avid EAGLES fan for 60+ years, have lived through the good and the horrible, have laughed, screamed and sobbed. Now that I have been to Wrigley Field all that I need to do before I leave this earth is see MY EAGLES win a Super Bowl. But, at what cost?
Prior to him entering the NFL, I told my sports ministry that this was a BAD guy, with great speed and athleticism but not a quarterback. Sorry to say, he proved me right on all counts.
Michael, prove me wrong, earn our respect, ply your athletic skills for this great city. If you are a changed person, you could not be in a better city. You will be embraced by millions. If you have not changed, you will be hear about it load and clear.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


A Quote from - Fredrick Douglas a former slave in Washington, D.C. 1883!

" No man can put a chain about the ankle of his fellow man without at last finding the other end fastened about his own neck".

This quote is particularly appropriate for today's subject. Is Bill Mahre correct when he called the American people "stupid"? This comment was made on CNN (the Communist News Network). When asked if it was possible for Sarah Palin could win the presidency.

Bill Mahre and I will never meet for dinner. Beers maybe, but never dinner, I have a weak stomach! I do respect the fact that he is very smart when it comes to taking care of himself as well as quick witted.

Mahre's statement may very well be correct, and here's why?

1. We have allowed our political system run amok for far too long:
We should not have law makers in place for 20+ years. Things change, they have not!
We should not continue to allow these same law makers to oversee businesses that they know nothing about. Just look at the Postal Service!!!!
We should not have presidential campaigns that run for over two years, cost over 0ne billion dollars and have debates that are really infomercials.
Our time is far more valuable than that

2. We should not have allowed "political correctness" to take over the already tenuous decision making process in D.C. and change the meanings in Websters dictionary. There are far too many "slanted" laws on the books.

3. We should not take 10 second sound bites as "gospel". GET THE FACTS. There are reputable, independent web-sites such as factcheck.org that have the truth.

4. We should not accept the duel standard in the media and D.C. That allows slanderous, personal and obscene affronts against woman and minorities on the right to go by the boards. While ANYTHING said against anyone on the left becomes fair fodder.

Although there is more, it is enough to say that a nation who allowed themselves to be fooled by a "Community Organizer" financially backed by a multi billionaire (George Soros) and directed by two political hacks trained by the Daly machine. May be proof enough, that we might well be stupid.

Lets remember, that what goes around comes around. We can only hope that the present group in D.C. realizes that the chain they are trying to put around our ankles may also be around their necks.